Wednesday, September 19, 2012

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Autumn Leggings Spot in Choies - Giveaway

     Our favorite online clothing store - CHOIES - has some leggings to be given away. 

    Joining is so simple:

1. Login with your facebook and 'Like' CHOIES.
2. Share this giveaway in your social flatforms (facebook, twitter, tumblr or your blogs).
3.  Register in (skip this step if you already have an account).
4. 'Like' at least 5 items in their shop
5. Leave your email HERE.

1. The more participants of you join this campaign, the more chance you are gonna get your favorite leggings.
2. Free Leggings would be given away randomly.
3. This giveaway starts from now and ends on Sept. 27,2012.
***Enjoy!!! Good luck***

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