Sunday, June 26, 2011

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Safety Tips During Tornado/Whirlwind

Tornadoes are not common calamity here in the Philippines. We have typhoon mostly since we are on the pacific area. That's why safety tips for this events is not very popular.

Even I, who frequently on the net has no knowledge on tornado events. Just when I saw a small twister I became interested.

So here are some safety tips I learned.

1.) Just like any other calamities, we have to prepare our emergency kit (includes food, water, medications, batteries, flashlights, important documents, road maps, and a full tank of gasoline for those who has a vehicle)

2.) When the tornado approaches, stay indoors preferably in a basement if you have a basement, or an interior first-floor room or hallway if no basement.

3.) Stay away from windows. Seek shelter and additional protection in any large solid pieces of furnitures.

4.) Avoid automobiles for it provides no protection at all.

5.) If you are caught by tornadoes outdoors, lie on the flat surfaces or in a depression or on other low ground and wait for the tornado to pass.

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