Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Follow Us

Creating Text Box

It's been awhile since I last updated. Actually, I encounter some problem opening my site. It was lost and I can't access my google account. Now it's good to be back and be able to redeem my account. I changed my password, too. I hope it won't happen again.

Anyways, since it's been two months since I last updated, I missed some of the things I wanted to say here in my page. In this case, I will not torture my mind thinking what are the things I thought to write on.

It is already the third grading period. My topic for my Computer Education subject is Microsoft Office Presentation 2007. Since I am handling a High School students that didn't have any backgrounds in Presentation, I will be teaching the basics.

Our topic, this week is "Working with Content".

Our first lesson for the Content is Creating Text Box. Text Box's are useful not only to PowerPoint but also to other Office features. 

So here are the easy steps in creating Text Box.

  • 1. Go to the Insert tab and on the Text Ribbon, click the Text Box button. 
  • 2. Click and drag the mouse cursor to the location where you want the text box to be. 
  • 3. Type your content on the text box. 
  • 4. Click and drag on the left or right handles of the text box to increase or decrease the width of the text box.

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